Resetting Pressure

Narmaya has a number of ways to continue pressuring the opponent once they begin to respect her pressure and stop mashing. In this section, we’ll look at all of the ways Narmaya can reassert her frame advantage.

66L - The Universal Menace

This move is a beast across the cast, and if you’ve interacted with the game at all you’re probably aware of this. This functions as a simple way for Narmaya to close distance and regain frame advantage.

236X[g] - Setsuna

Setsuna is one of the hardest moves to use effectively in Narmaya’s kit. All of its versions have different uses in pressure and neutral, and using the wrong one can be fatal.

Light version - 236L[g]

This move does not have a place in pressure. At -12 on block, cancelling into this move after hitting an opponent’s guard will often leave you at a worse frame advantage compared to not cancelling into it. It’s even negative on hit, so you will lose your turn even on hit. Even though it knocks down when close, getting this blocked at close range will always lead to a devastating punish.

Medium version - 236M[g]

The medium version is a gimmick that’s very easy to deal with on reaction. At +10 on block, if you can convince an opponent to block it, you will be able to perform any option you want to continue your pressure. That being said, it can be jumped or rolled on reaction, which will cause you to get punished.

Heavy/Plus version - 236H[g]

This is the version you will most often see yourself using during pressure. It starts up as fast as the light version, which means it can be used effectively during blockstrings, and is +2 on block. It’s important to note that being +2 is not safe enough to go for a 66L at longer ranges, and you’ll need to use something like 2M[k] to assert your frame advantage.

Ultimate version - 236U[g]

The ultimate version of Setsuna is a bit more niche for pressure. It’s pretty similar to the heavy/plus version, but is +4 instead of +2, and leads to a full combo on hit. Unfortunately, to use this effectively in pressure it must be cancelled into from a normal, which causes it to do less damage and not refund meter, so it’s quite a costly option, but it’s ability to be used even when the heavy/plus version is on cooldown lets it find some usage.